Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Small debt down

Money management has never been my strength. I keep trying, but I just can't seem to make sense of it. Tax returns came back, and we didn't get a whole lot back (I know...I know...this is supposed to be a good thing), but it was enough to knock out a debt on my list. So YAY! I do feel a bit panicked about my husband's car. It's giving way on us, and I have not prepared for the eventual outcome. I loathe the idea of taking on more debt, but I'm not really sure what else to do....aside from pray that it lasts us until we can pay cash for another one. 

I shouldn't have jumped down so far, but we found that we had a few items in our garage that we had financed with our Lowes card (the card we paid off), and could easily return them and have our card credited. 

Obviously this was a good idea, and from there, we only had a little left. It felt good to get at least one crossed off, so I went ahead and finished it. 

Radiology    50/50
Fines          100/100
Old cable bill  200/200
Hospital    339/339
CC1            0/300
CC2              800/800
CC3             2250/2250
CC4               3000/ 3000
School (mine) 5245/6000
School (hub)      8,800  /17400
Van                    13,000/21,000
House               97,000/99,000

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Ground Zero...Again

I have struggled for most of my adult life with staying on track when it comes to financial goals. I have tried and failed to break away from debt more times than  can possibly count. I have come so close, and then given up. Time and time again I repeat these patterns, and every year, I swear it's going to be different.
I think this is usually triggered by filing my taxes and realizing that I actually made a decent amount of money...and where on earth did it go??? I don't know how to make it different, but I'm not going to give up. I'm going to keep getting up and remaking up ground lost due to debt fatigue (is that even a thing?).

This is actually going to be the first time I see these numbers (at least in a while). I have been avoiding them, actually.

Please note that every single one of my credit cards have also been maxed out. Spending has always been my main means of dealing with my anxiety (which is a different conversation). At the heart of this, I have a lot to work on!

Radiology    50/50
Fines          100/100
Old cable bill  200/200
Hospital    339/339
CC1            300/300
CC2              800/800
CC3             2250/2250
CC4               3000/ 3000
School (mine) 5245/6000
School (hub)      8,800  /17400
Van                    13,000/21,000
House               97,000/99,000

For a grand total of